Summer school offered for JICHS and PTEC high schoolers at JICHS this summer

JICHS summer school registration is now open for PTEC and JICHS high schoolers. If your student needs to recover credit in a class, you may use the QR code to access the registration form. The following classes will be offered this summer:

• English 9 & 10

• Biology

• Algebra I (with and without lab)

• Intermediate Algebra

• Algebra II

• Geometry

• The summer session begins Tuesday May 30th and runs until Thursday June 29th.

• Classes are from 8am to noon and will run Mondays through Thursdays -- no Friday classes

• Registration is open until May 29th

• Due to a grant, there is no cost for students to attend summer school this year

There is a letter being sent to parents today with more information.